Monday, May 23, 2011

Apartment Neighbor Woes....

     I have always been a light sleeper, ever since I was little girl.  When I was in high school the click to set my alarm clock off would startle me awake.  Thankfully I'm no longer quite that sensitive, but I am still a very light sleeper.
     Since moving to my apartment I have loved every minute of it, except my neighbor upstairs.  She seems to have the same work hours that I do and so the noise levels have been within the hours that I'm awake.

But every so often she keeps some very odd hours....
     Take last night for example- I heard her stomping around upstairs before bedtime and I've gotten used to this.  It seemed to quiet down as I was turning out the light around 10:30ish and stayed that way.  But then 2:30am hits and I hear what sounds like drawers being slammed, furniture being moved across the floor, stomping, etc.  I have no idea if this is actually what's happening above me.  I can only relay what it sounds like. 
     Finally I'm able to go back to sleep, only to be awoken again at 3:30 to the same sounds.  Then this time it sounds as though a garage door is being opened.  I can only guess what that might be- the washer/dryer or the disposal? 
     Needless to say, I didn't get a good night's sleep last night.  So I am tired and grumpy and blogging about my neighbor upstairs.
     Since I've not had the change to meet her, I can't really say anything.  Also, when I've seen her getting out of her car she never smiles, never says anything, and avoids eye contact.  I get the impression we may never have the opportunity to meet.

     So for now....I'm researching white noise apps on my Iphone and praying that tonight she will actually sleep!


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