Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kitchen Gadget and Gift Card Shower....

     This past Sunday some dear friends from my church threw me a Kitchen Gadget and Gift Card shower to help get me setup for my new apartment.  When they originally approached me with the idea I was overwhelmed and excited because I'd never heard of a shower like this before and I was touched that they'd want to do this for me!
     We had gorgeous weather on Sunday with warm temperatures and sunshine.  It was the perfect day to get together with a bunch of girls to eat, talk, and really get me excited about my new place. 
     They went all out on the food.  We had everything from chocolate covered strawberries to this delicious pimento cheese that Joy slaved in the kitchen for hours and hours making (or maybe it was from a local store, but who really needs to know that?). 
     I think everyone would agree that the stars of the shower were all the decadent cupcakes that Joni made.  Many of us knew that she was a fabulous baker, but she really outdid herself with these.  There were 3 different kinds: Coconut, Hummingbird with pineapple and banana, and Chocolate chip cheesecake.  All of them had this awesome cream cheese icing.  I think I'm drooling just thinking about them!  To top off the cupcakes she found these adorable kitchen gadget stickers.  And my favorite was the cupcake with a cute little key for my new apartment on it!

Here are a few pictures:

    Of course after eating it was time open gifts!  They got pretty creative with their gadgets, Paula even going so far as to use paper towels instead of tissue paper. :)  We were trying to come up with dishes I could make for them using all my new tools.  I could peel something, chop it, steam it, and then grate something on top of it- all while wearing my cute new apron that could almost pass as a dress!
     I had such a fun afternoon and felt so loved by these women in my life!  They blessed me by providing things that I otherwise wouldn't have had the funds to get for a while. 

Thank you for such a fun day ladies!  Of course I'll be returning the favor soon by having you all over to my new place!

1 comment:

  1. How cool are your friends? Can't wait to see your place all decked out. And, yes, you will have to have a girl night - with Joni cupcakes!
